Butcher shop Mamie with Hitline solutions in Israel

//Butcher shop Mamie with Hitline solutions in Israel

Hitline has carried out the new project of the butcher shop Mamie in Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut which is situated in the central part of Israel in cooperation with a partner.

Fresh meat exposure station which is rigged with “Missouri M” cube-shaped counter sets and “Indiana M” multideck cabinet keeps maximal capability for buyer that allows to choose required goods with the help of the merchandiser or without assistance in a packaged form.

There is a low-temperature glass lid freezer island “Alaska M” with panoramic side glazing set up for the frozen foods. Glass lid freezers provide an excellent observation of the exposed goods from any part of the sales area and easy approach for the buyer. Multideck cabinets “Louisiana LT” complete the section of frozen foods occupying small space in the shopping area.

There are “Indiana eco” semi-vertical low-height cabinets with cascaded layout set up for visual expanding of the shop space to sell packaged foods.


Alaska М, Indiana M, Missouri M PS
Alaska М, Indiana M, Missouri M PS , Indiana eco
Missouri M PS, Indiana M, Louisiana LT
Louisiana LT, Alaska М
Missouri M PS
Alaska М
Alaska М, Louisiana LT
Convenience store Mamie